Our promise
- Opportunity to mirror / copy our fund trades
- 26-year market-beating performance1
- Investment aims of 6-8% per year
- No fees for performance
- No initial charges2
- No upfront fees3
- No switching fees
- No exit fees
- No ‘per hour’ charges
- Tax-free growth4
- ISACO Director as your dedicated contact
- Timesaving
- Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
1 January 1st 1998 - December 31st 2024. Total return over 27 years: ISACO 266.3% vs FTSE 100 58.9%. ISACO outperformed their benchmark (the FTSE 100) on average over a 27-year period by 3.0% per year.
2 Initial charges on investment funds.
3 For portfolios of £250,000 and above.
4 Using ISA and SIPP wrappers.