Stephen, my brother and ISACO’s lead investor, was recently talking to some of our clients to discover if they were happy with our service. He asked some interesting questions and today I’d like to share their responses with you.
What part or parts of our service do you value most?
- 'Honesty and integrity''
- 'True depth of study of funds on our behalf'
- 'With now knowing how good the service is, I should have added more to my ISAs'
- 'Your fee – no quibble'
- 'Educational, the monthly The Big Picture, helps with my own trading, helps give me a feel for the market'
- 'We are all in the same boat'
- 'You choose the funds and I can enter them'
- 'The Daily Market Updates'
- 'The Big Pictures'
- 'The Daily Market Updates and the Big Pictures are helpful in keeping me calm'
- 'There are 4 things, 1) Knowing that I have on my side a really successful investment team who have their eye on the ball watching the market, and their own money invested where mine is 2) A clear daily email with concise and clear guidance 3) The Big Picture which is a marvellous educational tool written in plain English and jargon-free 4) The whole package is so simple'
- 'It doesn’t involve too much risk. I get comfort from the knowledge that I have protection, a cut-off point where I can move into cash should I want to. As I get older, preserving my wealth becomes more important'
If we closed tomorrow, what one thing would you miss most or find hardest to replace?
- 'It’s a total service'
- 'It’s phenomenal!'
- 'I can sit back with confidence'
- 'It does what it says on the tin'
- 'No BS'
- 'The security day to day of knowing what the market is doing'
- 'The Daily Market Updates and the Big Pictures – they give me a level of comfort'
- 'The Daily Market Updates - they are 1) on time 2) predictable and 3) reliable'
- 'I’d miss the whole lot!'
- 'Expert advice'
- 'Without your help, I’d have to do it all myself and that would take up a lot of my time. With your service, it’s just two or three minutes per day'
How does our service rank against our competition?
- 'Nobody else offers what you do'
- 'I like that you put your money where your mouth is. Knowing you have your own money invested helps confirm you have my best interests at heart'
- 'So far you’ve never given bad advice'
- 'You have no competition'
- 'I’m unsure who your competition is'
- 'I can’t compare like for like as I don’t know who your competition is'
What would you say is our unique point of difference?
- 'Daily reassurance, especially in turbulent times, what the market behaviour actually means'
- 'Individual contact'
- 'Other firms don’t put enough emphasis on the importance of investing in ISAs – you do'
- 'On the subject of financial advisers, I’m always wary – once they have your money, you never hear from them again'
- 'I trust your company. With bank IFAs they tend to push their own product'
- 'There is a distinct lack of personal service from most IFAs, whereas your service really delivers'
- 'I started as a novice but since being with you I’ve greatly increased my stock market and investing knowledge'
- 'I find your daily and monthly thoughts (Daily Market Updates & editions of The Big Picture) fascinating'
- 'You don’t follow modern portfolio theory'
- 'You are the only personal investment service business that offers daily guidance from an investment team who have their own money invested and you can follow them'
- 'Personal attention'
- 'A complete package'
- 'With most of the commentary I receive, I have to translate it for my clients. However I don’t have that problem with yours. It’s always written in plain English and jargon free''
- The Big Picture – I love it, it’s easy to read, there are some visual elements to it such as charts giving clear explanations of what the investor has seen and what it means, jargon free, plain English, really easy to understand'
- 'You tell me each day in a concise way what’s happened, and how that might affect me as an investor'
- 'You are experts and you are telling us what you are doing with your own money, plus I am in control'
- 'It’s a total solution'
- 'Daily intelligence that’s clear and concise that educates, informs, comforts, reassures and calms you, written by expert investors who have their own money on the line, and I have the chance to shadow /copy your trades'
- 'You are a highly specialised firm that offers a unique investment process – a system'
- 'A unique process for studying, monitoring and analysing the market'
- 'Extremely successful investment experts who buys funds and clients can do the same'
- 'It’s like taking skiing lessons from an expert ski instructor and eventually you don’t need the ski instructor'
- 'It helps to free you up from the emotions connected to the market'
- ‘It’s a shadow investment service + ongoing education’'
- You shadow invest and receive excellent education'
- 'Intellectual investment expertise'
- 'Not forced to follow but you can do if you want to'
- 'The service stands on its own two feet'
- 'The research you do is outstanding and far above anything else out there. It’s superb!’
Stephen and I feel truly humbled by these extremely kind comments. If you’re interested in working with an ISA and SIPP Investment Specialist, please just click here to arrange a confidential, no obligation review. We would be happy to give you an independent view on your portfolio, as well as guidance around how your investments could be working harder for you.
As always, if you have any questions or thoughts on the points covered in this post, please leave a comment below or connect with us @ISACO_ on Twitter.
ISACO is a specialist in ISA and SIPP Investment and the pioneer of ‘Shadow Investment’, a simple way to grow your ISA and SIPP. Together with our clients, we have £57 million actively invested in ISAs and pensions*.
Our personal investment service allows you to look over our shoulder and buy into exactly the same funds as we are buying. These are investment funds that we personally own and so you can be assured that they are good quality. We are proud to say that by ‘shadowing’ us, our clients have made an annual return of 12.5% per year over the last four years** versus the FTSE 100’s 7.4%.
We currently have close to 400 carefully selected clients. Most of them have over £100,000 actively invested and the majority are DIY investors such as business owners, self-employed professionals and corporate executives. We also have clients from the financial services sector such as IFAs, wealth managers and fund managers. ISACO Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Our firm reference number is 525147.
* 15th November 2012: Internal estimation of total ISA and pension assets owned by ISACO Investment Team and ISACO premium clients.
** (31st December 2008 - 31st December 2012).
ISACO investment performance verified by Independent Executives Ltd.
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