I’m proud to say that David Mountain, an ISACO client and engineer was one of the many people that loved my new book, How to Make Money in ISAs and SIPPs.
How to make better investment decisions
Tags: How to Make Money in ISAs and SIPPs, Investment strategy, Behavioural Investing
Which of our funds are in the money flow?
Each month we like to make sure that the funds we own are acting right. In our opinion, as well as long-term performance being an important factor in fund selection, the short-term performance of a fund is very important once you own it. It’s vital because we’ve noticed that strong funds tend to get stronger and weak funds tend to get weaker.
On January 30th 2014, we took a good look at the performance of the five funds that we own, our ‘total’ portfolio's performance, the performance of the FTSE 100 and performance of the NASDAQ Composite. This is what we discovered:
Bull market? Bear market? Where are we?
It's a question we're often asked - are we in a bull market or a bear market? In this post, we'll examine the evidence in more detail.
Tags: Investment outlook, Investment strategy, Investment news
Financial experts review How to Make Money in ISAs and SIPPs
My new book How to Make Money in ISAs and SIPPs will be available to buy in just over 3 weeks time. Many people have kindly reviewed the book over recent weeks and in this post we'll look at the thoughts of experts from across the financial sector.
Tags: ISA investing tips, How to Make Money in ISAs and SIPPs, Investment strategy