Each month we like to make sure that the funds we own are acting right. We have an active investment strategy which aims to control risk and deliver superior performance. We invest in a number of actively managed funds to form a complete investment portfolio and select what we believe to be the best funds in each asset class. We monitor all the investments selected, replacing under-performers and continuously rebalance the portfolios with the aim of maximising growth potential and managing risk.
Typically we hold onto the funds that continue to outperform and exit or par down the ones that underperform. On October 30th 2015, we looked at the returns of our six funds and compared them with the returns of the FTSE 100, our performance benchmark. This is what we discovered:
This information is taken from The Big Picture, to download a sample copy please just click here.
ISACO investment performance verified by Independent Executives Ltd.
Table data and recent market analysis prompts action
The data in the table combined with recent market analysis has prompted us to make some changes in our portfolio. The changes include CLASSIFIED.
This information is taken from The Big Picture, to download a sample copy please just click here.
Our outlook for 2015 and beyond
Our investment portfolio continues to outperform our benchmark. Year to date2 our return is -1.7% compared to the FTSE 100’s -2.6%. After making 7.4% in 2014 compared to the FTSE 100’s -2.7% and a 23.1% return in 2013 versus the FTSE 100’s 14.4%, we were expecting to see the market and our investments take a breather before their next leg higher. For example at the beginning of 2015 we said…
’…we believe that we’ll experience flat or slightly negative returns for 2015.’
For now it seems that we were right on the money, however the year is not over yet and we still have another two months to go. Pullback periods help the market to reset and even though they are never nice to experience, they are normal and absolutely necessary. Our outlook for the longer term (5-10 years) is that we believe the markets will be much higher than they are right now. This means that if you are a long-term investor like us, and have the courage to stay in the game, the future is looking bright
2 December 31st 2014 - October 30th 2015.ISACO investment performance verified by Independent Executives Ltd.
ISACO 2015 Year to Date Performance
Our aim is to outperform the FTSE 100 and we are very proud that our investment portfolio continues to demonstrate outperformance – currently still ahead of our benchmark.
ISACO investment performance verified by Independent Executives Ltd.
ISACO Annualised 3 Year Performance
We are also delighted with the returns we made over the previous three years4. From the beginning of 2012 to the end of 2014, we annualised 9.5% versus the FTSE 100’s 5.7%.
ISACO investment performance verified by Independent Executives Ltd.
Long-term performance
The FTSE 100, our benchmark, has annualised 6.2% since its inception 31 years ago5. That tells us that if we can beat the FTSE 100 over the long term, we’re going to be blessed with a reasonable rate of return.
Since beginning investing back in 19976, to the close of last year, we outperformed the FTSE 100 by 77.9% which means we’ve beaten the main UK stock index on average by 2.9% per year. Remember however that past performance is no guarantee of future performance.
5 3rd January 1984 - 31st December 2014.
6 December 31st 1997 - December 31st 2014.
ISACO investment performance verified by Independent Executives Ltd.
This information is taken from The Big Picture, to download a sample copy please just click here.
As always, if you have any questions or thoughts on the points covered in this post, please leave a comment below or connect with us @ISACO_ on Twitter.
As we grow our wealth, you grow yours. Together we prosper.
ISACO are a specialist in ISA and SIPP investment and together with our clients have an estimated £75 million actively invested7. To help investors like you, we offer a high end service called ‘Shadow Investment’. Put simply, we invest and you invest beside us. As we grow our wealth, you grow yours.
How does Shadow Investment work?
Shadow Investment allows you to look over our shoulder and buy the same investments that we are buying. It’s an intensely personal service which gives you the opportunity to piggyback on our expertise and makes investing easier, simpler and much more enjoyable.
Delivering a superior performance
We have an active investment strategy which aims to control risk and deliver a superior performance. Over the last 17 years8, we’ve beaten the FTSE 100 by 77.9% and over the last 3 years9, we’ve made an average annual return of 9.5% versus the FTSE 100’s 5.7%.
Get in touch
If you have over £250,000 actively invested, click here to arrange a free financial review (valued at £495) with Paul Sutherland, ISACO’s Managing Director.
7 Internal estimation taken January 1st 2015 of total ISA and pension assets owned by the ISACO Investment Team and ISACO premium clients.8 December 31st 1997 - December 31st 2014 ISACO 105.5%, FTSE 100 27.6%.
9 December 31st 2011 – December 31st 2014.
ISACO investment performance verified by Independent Executives Ltd.